Adam Jahiel

Adam Jahiel, has had a varied professional career.  He has worked extensively for motion picture industry including Out of Africa and HBO comedy specials. He was the photographer for an adventurous project of the landmark French-American 1987 Titanic expedition. His work has appeared in dozen's of books, most major U.S. publications, including Time, Newsweek, The New York Times, National Geographic Society, and others. 

These photographs in our gallery represent his years photographing the cowboys of the of the Great Basin, perhaps one of the most inhospitable regions of the already rugged west. These people represent one of the last authentic American subcultures, one that is disappearing at a rapid rate. Cowboying as an art form is almost obsolete, still, the cowboys hang on, with a ferocious tenacity. Respect there doesn't come from the trappings of modern life. Talent, knowledge, and skill are valued above all else. And the cowboy tradition has its roots in the oldest of human conflicts: man against nature and nature against man against himself. 

Jahiel tires to reflect  those sentiments in these photographs. These cowboys aren't "remade" into a Hollywood image. Instead, they are "found" images, in keeping with the spirit of authenticity that permeates the best keepers of this tradition.